Who is VGCL? |
The team of VGCL consists of a group of individuals who all share the common interest for video games and the hardware
that delivers it to our respective living rooms. We are are all console collectors\enthusiasts and collectively own every
main system being reviewed here, but first off we are are all gamers. Like you, we share the same passion - video games. A little bit more about us...
Console Reviewer \ Article Writer \ Web Programmer \ Admin
I have been extremely interested in video gaming since my first experience with the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A
back in 1979. I wouldn't consider myself a huge gamer, but I thoroughly enjoy RPGs, golf simulations
and FPS. Regarding hardware, the complete opposite applies - I am a hardcore CIB collector. I am not into
handhelds or pongs - just true consoles. Before I write any review, I fire up the respective system
and invest a number of hours of game play to provide the most objective feedback. The prize of my collection is
probably the Toshiba Super Vision 8000 along with the Panasonic FZ-35s (3DO M2).
Favorite Gaming Systems |

Nintendo NES |

Sega Genesis |

Sony PlayStation |

Microsoft Xbox 360 |
Favorite Game Series |

Quest for Glory |

King's Field |

Suikoden |

Elder Scrolls |
Dark Watcher
Console Reviewer \ Article Writer
We are He who cast shadows in darkness. We are a lover of video games. The Dark Watcher has been an avid gamer
since the early 1980s. In the 1990s, we became a lurker on the internet. Since then we have made many
contributions to the online gaming community, but it is this site that became our true passion.
We came from a poor family and computers were something we would never own till we became much older. Perhaps
this is why we developed an affinity for console gaming rather then computer gaming. Other then some PONG units
that we do not have much recollection of...our real thirst for console gaming began with Atari 2600. We have
since been privileged to see console gaming evolve over seven generations (as of this writing). A trip to
Japan sparked even more interest with consoles we had never seen on US shores. We dug into magazines, books,
hands-on, and internet websites to help quench our thirst for knowledge.
Favorite Gaming Systems |

Nintendo NES |

Nintendo SNES |

Sony PlayStation |

Sega Dreamcast |
Favorite Game Series |

Final Fantasy |

Street Fighter |

Resident Evil |

Burnout |
Console Reviewer \ Article Writer
I've been a gamer since the Atari 2600 days and spent way too much time on every game I could get my hands on. I later moved into the world of Commodore with a C128 and eventually, an Amiga 500.
I had a brief foray into the 3DO world only to drop back out of consoles until the Xbox. Nowadays, I find myself
trying to collect all of the hardware I always lusted after along with the consoles I've just discovered. I
have an extensive collection of hardware of all types, along with games for every console, handheld, and computer I
own. I'll play pretty much any game I can get my hands on, good or bad!
My prized collectibles are my RDI Halcyon, AdventureVision, SNES M.A.C.S. setup, and Pepsi Invaders 2600 cartridge
(that my girlfriend gave me for Valentine's Day in 2008).
Gaming Systems |

Atari 2600 |

Microsoft Xbox 360 |
Game Series |

DoDonPachi |

Mortal Kombat |

Bioshock |

Dead Space |
Console Reviewer \ Article Writer
My earliest, fond memories of gaming reach back to the days of the ColecoVision and the Intellivision when
bleeps and bloops blew our eardrums and blocky characters blew our minds. When Arcades were dark, hazy, noisy
dens of electronics and flashing lights that were crammed with kids of all ages. Over the years, despite the
twists and turns my life has taken, gaming has always had a place in the forefront of my self-interests. Whether
I was stopping by the RadioShack TurboGrafx kiosk as a kid, playing Samurai Shodown at summer camp, adding
Goldeneye to the friends/beer/pizza equation in my first apartment or participating in clan gaming with
Mechwarrior 4 shortly after proposing to my (then) girlfriend, a controller has never been far from my hand.
However, it was only five years ago (2004) that my passion for gaming had reached the level it is at now. Nostalgia is a powerful thing. When the clarion call of childhood memory made me yearn for those old games of
my youth, eBay presented me with a new avenue to sink my money into: Collecting. While my collection is small,
I'm proud to say I own all of the games that contributed in making me the type of gamer I am today.
Favorite Gaming Systems |

Mattel Intellivision |

Sega Master System |

Sony PlayStation |

Microsoft Xbox |
Favorite Game Series |

Star Wars: Dark Forces |

Colin McRae Rally |

Elder Scrolls |

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell |
Console Reviewer \ Article Writer
\ Video Producer
I'm a European gamer and I played my first video games
in the 80s, on a black & white Apple Macintosh, but my
first video game console was a Sega Master System. Since
then I got hooked on video games and have always been
following Sega closely. Besides console gaming I
also really like handheld gaming – that's where I have
always been committed to Nintendo. Of course, I
like owning game software and hardware, but I'm not
really a hardcore collector. I'm especially
interested in the history of video games and the amazing
development in games in such a short period of time. I
also enjoy the way video games can bring people together
and evoke nostalgic feelings of the past.
Favorite Gaming Systems |

Nintendo NES |

Sega Master System |

Sega Mega Drive |

Microsoft Xbox 360 |
Favorite Game Series |

Bubble Bobble |

Sonic the Hedgehog |

Streets of Rage |

Bioshock |