Credits & Thanks
from Marriott_Guy - Site Owner & Admin |
There are many people who have contributed to both the inspiration and creation of this site. If not for the people\sites
listed below, this project would have remained an idea rather than have become a reality.
I have never been drawn to the literary arts and do not profess to be an aficionado in this area. My real-life
profession dictates a more direct approach in this venue. I am a video gaming enthusiast and console collector -
not a writer. That being said, for reasons unknown I began to write articles on my obscure video gaming
consoles. To my pleasant surprise, these offerings were met with a warm reception. This prompted me to
continue to share my insights on these obscure systems while at the same time trying to refine my writing skills
(yes - I still have a ways to go). This, coupled with my hobbyist background in programming, resulted in the
creation of the Video Game Console Library.
My sincere appreciation and gratitude is extended to those listed on this page as well as to the visitors to our
site. Without you, this VGCL would not exist. You have my deepest respect, admiration and gratitude.
-- MG |
My VGCL Teammates |
I first approached 98PaceCar in early February of 2008 to inquire about his availability to write an article on
his RDI Halcyon for this site - one of the few holy grails I do not own. After a few discussions,
we quickly found out that we shared the same passion for gaming hardware and both were avid console collectors. I knew this one-man team needed help
and asked 98 if
he would like to join in this website venture of mine.
To my delight, he joined me in my quest to produce the best video game console website on the internet. His
articles are extremely insightful, always well written and appeal to both the casual gamer and the hardcore
collector alike. 98's contributions do not end here though. He is a trusted and valued partner in the
shaping of this website. Many of the features of VGCL have become a reality due to our
past\continued brainstorming sessions.
Dark Watcher
When discussing the development of VGCL with 98, we knew we needed one more team member to round out
our team. We saw someone who shared our same passion for gaming systems - Dark Watcher. Having an
already well established website, I first approached DW to seek permission to post some of their existing
articles. Once this had been granted, we soon began to chat about VGCL.
We both found that the goals of our respective sites were the same and that a collaboration would be an excellent
fit - both for us but more importantly for the gaming community. In May of 2008, DW agreed to join
VGCL. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. DW combines excellent historical knowledge with
something that I lack - personality. His creativity was a welcomed and refreshing addition to our team.
As with 98, our think tank conversations are invaluable to this site.
Tan is the latest addition to the VGCL team. I have collaborated with him on a number of
projects in the past when we were staff members of the great website RF Generation.
After RF Generation, we continued to follow each other's web projects and have been mutually supportive
of our respective ventures. With real life demands catching up with me, I knew I needed a hand with various
technical aspects of VGCL. With a strong passion and solid background in hardware, coupled with his
meticulous attention to detail and excellent writing skills, I knew Tan would be the perfect fit to
compliment our VGCL team. I reached out to him in October, 2009 and was thrilled when he agreed to
join our efforts. |
Website Contributors |
In addition to our sincere appreciation, contributions to our website will always be recognized. The
following people have generously shared their expertise, pictures and suggestions to improve VGCL for
all of our visitors. A heartfelt thanks to all!!
Adrian Scheel
Larry Greenfield
Cameron Kaiser
Ryan Lacorte
Jose Miguel Marti
Informationator |
Rey @ Video Game Museum
Luca Antignano
Sylvain De Chantal
Steven Read
Ferry Groenendijk
applemctom |
Eric Krust
Brian Gazza
Marco Pasquali
Mark Campbell |
Dave Mrozek
Kevin Manne
Joe Santulli
youlovetonyt |
If I missed anyone,
please send me an email ( so that I
may provide the kudos you deserve. |
Individual Accolades |
RF Generation
I was an active staff member of the RF Generation website since early 2007 until June 2009, contributing as
a Hardware Contributor, Blog Writer and Site Editor. The team and community that have developed there is amazing
and is one of the premier gaming sites on the net. Through out this project of mine, the many individuals have
provided both technical and personal support for this endeavor. I want to especially thank Dave Murnan, Scott
Williams and Tony Bowe for their support and suggestions.
Dave Mrozek
Better known as The Video Game Critic, Dave provides excellent game reviews for all consoles, both new and
old. He is basically a one-man show at his site and does a superb job in providing extensive content and
meaningful articles to his community. His website is a must have bookmark. Like RF Generation and The Video
Game Console Library, he provides his site due to his love for gaming and as a public service for those with like
Dave has always been supportive of this project of mine and has offered excellent feedback concerning page design,
layout and general feel. When I first started to write my System Overview articles, he encouraged me to
develop my own site. He has allowed me to test pages within his forums even though he does system reviews
himself. The concept of the Rating System employed at this site was inspired by the format Dave uses when
reviewing a respective system.
Eric is the owner and operator of and specializes in the selling of rare and obscure Japanese
consoles. Many of the consoles that you see featured on this site are a direct result of transactions I have
had with Eric. He is a trusted ally in my quest for various systems. We have bantered throughout the
years on our respective websites and have bounced ideas off of each other as our respective projects have progressed.
Mike Gideon
Mike is the owner and operator of both the retail store and website, The Video Game Connection. He is my
local connection to purchasing video games and runs a class site. He has supported my reviews at his site
from the beginning and is a true ambassador to the video gaming business.
Rey & Garett
Rey and Garett run an excellent website that preserves a number of aspects of the video game industry, with their
specialty being gaming screenshots. Many of the screenshot images have been graciously provided to us from
their extensive archive. We are extremely grateful to them for their contributions and look forward to partnering
with them on future collaborations.